Industrial / Maintenance Staircases Spiral Staircases

Product information
We are increasingly seeing the spiral staircase take over from the stepladder as a safe, technical climbing means in many sectors. The customer and supplier need to apply their creativity and flexibility here too in order to find the ideal solution for each individual case.
Delivery in assembled form saves assembly time on the building site and can help to create short-term access to other assembly levels when construction programme deadlines are tight. In order to prevent complex special transportation the assembled staircases should not have a diameter greater than the maximum width and usable length of a lorry.
Maintenance of installed technical aggregates is playing an increasingly important role because of the increasing complexity of technical structures. The spiral staircase represents an optimal solution for overcoming great heights, whereby the provisions in DIN EN IS O 14122-3 must be observed.
Parapet wall transition and access security could be individual solutions and are practical combinations with MEISER staircases.